Ghost Wiki

What Lies Over the Cuckoo's Nest? is a mission in Act 3 of Ghost Master. It's set in Gravenville's hospital/asylum.

Objective: Free the Darkling and scare everyone away.


The Darkling is being held in an anti-ghost trap powered by the fractured minds of five asylum inmates. The first thing to do is to station Stormtalon and Black Crow outside the hospital and have them use Typhoon and Rain respectively. This will summon a massive storm and cause the asylum to be struck with lightning, shorting out the doors and letting the inmates walk free. Sometimes, if driven insane, the staff of the asylum - even Dr. Krauss! - will randomly go around releasing the patients, but this is unreliable.

Bruce Elm, the fifth patient, is completely catatonic. To get him to leave his cell, you'll need to have a ghost move him. There's two methods of doing this. The first is to have a sandman bound to an Ethereal Gift that one of the asylum staff members carry upstairs; once it's inside the ward, the sandman can bind themselves to Bruce's sleeping mind and Sleepwalk him out. Another method is to have Black Crow Possess a staff member while they're outside the asylum, waiting for them to return to it, then binding him to the houseplant in Bruce's cell to possess him instead. A good strategy early in the level is to have the Darkling terrify Dr. Krauss until he runs downstairs and is vulnerable to possession. You'll need Cogjammer, Hogwash, Clatterclaws, Buck, Firetail, Wisakejak, Maxine Factor and Hypnos.




  • This is the original final level of the game.
  • This level's name is a reference to both What Lies Beneath and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.